Archives: Projects

  • 4 Reasons Why The Best Leaders Embrace Continuous Learning At Work

    4 Reasons Why The Best Leaders Embrace Continuous Learning At Work

    One of the marks of a good leader is that they don’t think they know everything. In fact, they are humble enough to admit that they don’t. When they don’t know an answer to something, they find out for you. If they’re overwhelmed, they ask for help. When they’re not sure about the newest technology,…

  • What is Your True Calling and 8 Ways to Discover Yours!

    What is Your True Calling and 8 Ways to Discover Yours!

    A true calling is a career or walk of life that a person feels compelled or meant to do. Finding meaning in life is something people often spend a lot of time contemplating. Or some individuals may feel the passion so strong that they know quickly in their heart what they were born to do.…

  • The Importance of Using Eye Contact in Communication

    The Importance of Using Eye Contact in Communication

    The eyes have long been known to divulge our deepest and darkest secrets. To look into someone’s eyes is to look into their very soul. They communicate on a deeper level than verbal speech and rely more on feeling and intuition than reason. That’s why you can feel a genuine connection with someone before either…

  • 10 Positive Affirmations to Boost Your Self-confidence!

    10 Positive Affirmations to Boost Your Self-confidence!

    Affirmation is the act of confirming that something is true, generally as a positive statement or assertion. In law, it is also defined as a solemn declaration for those that object to taking an oath. In both cases, it’s important to note that the speaker must be honest for it to be an affirmation. Self-affirmation…

  • Six Reasons to Practice Self-Acceptance

    Six Reasons to Practice Self-Acceptance

    Self-acceptance is the state of being at peace with every aspect of yourself. This means accepting things that you consider positive and negative. It’s accepting all exterior physical traits and interior personality traits. It also means recognizing that you have value in and of yourself, and not as a result of your actions or words.…

  • 6 Proven Tips for Living a Life Without Regret

    6 Proven Tips for Living a Life Without Regret

    ‘I live life with no regrets’, is a catch-phrase that many of us use, but very few of us actually live by. Think about it for a moment. Is there truly nothing in your life that you have done or said that you regret? If you’re being honest, I’m sure there is something that if…